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Workplace solutions for stronger businesses

Helping employers retain, attract and lead more effective teams

It’s often been said: people are any organisation’s greatest asset. But it’s an asset that needs to be carefully managed, nurtured and developed if you’re going to realise its full potential. Our workplace services provide the tools to help you build a more effective team – supporting their development, gaining their loyalty and boosting their performance.

Workplace solutions

Organised. Motivated. Productive.

Leadership and Employee Coaching

Professional Coaching can act as a key tool in your training and development strategy – ideal for succession planning, change management and performance improvement. It offers a framework for personal development, equipping your people with the behaviours and attitudes to achieve more, while providing a clear sense of direction for their efforts and ambition for their career.

Whether on a 1-to-1 basis or in group workshops, we work to set goals, identify milestones and motivate your people to act. We tailor our coaching process, designing a format that will make the most impact for the individual or group we’re supporting. As such, it’s just as effective for your leadership team as it is for future leaders, front-line staff and new hires.

People Values

A clear set of values offers much more than a set of rules or a company ethos. For your people, your values offer a sense of direction and purpose, a shared ideal for every member of the team. For your business, your values provide leadership priorities, shaping both the talent management and talent acquisition strategies – providing a framework for recruitment, appraisal and development.

We can work with you to identify, articulate and embed your People Values, all built on an in-depth understanding of your business personality, approach and people, and delivered through a structured communications and engagement campaign.

In-house Recruitment Support

With a long track record in recruitment, we’re well equipped to help you bring your talent acquisition processes in house – offering an efficient, cost-effective option for finding the talent your team needs.

We take a flexible approach, providing support where you need it. So, if you need help throughout every step of the hiring process, we can offer a full recruitment process outsourcing service. But if you only need support in specific areas, we can tailor our approach accordingly.

We can work on a Direct Sourcing model, providing a shortlist of likely candidates from research on professional and social media networks. We can look after the advertising process and manage the candidate response. And we can provide expertise for the interview stage – whether designing and implementing a competency-based interview process, or providing interview coaching for your management team.

Career Transition Support

In those difficult circumstances when people have to leave your team, we can offer the expertise to make the transition into their next role easier. For the business, it’s an opportunity to maintain the professional approach of a responsible employer. For those leaving your business, it’s a chance to focus on the next steps in their career.

Whether working in team sessions, individual coaching or a combination of the two, we will help your people identify their options, understand their strengths and develop a framework for finding their next role.

Get in touch

Just as every workplace and workforce is different, every workplace solution we deliver it tailored to your needs and circumstances. Whatever your challenges or aims, we’re ready to help.

Get in touch and ask us how we can help.

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